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Speed: Kids Do It Naturally

Kids do it naturally—just look at any playground! They run, jump and most of all have great balance. So why as seniors do we forget what...

Senior Financial Responsibility

It is a curious phenomenon within our medical care and insurance industry that preventive, proactive care is generally not reimbursed. If...

Rhythmic Movement Exercises

Life is difficult and stressful, yet simultaneously can be both meditative and instructional. Age old disciplines like Yoga and Tai Chi...

Remembering Memories

We are made of memories. Like a high-rise building, our memories are the floors upon which we are structured. From our earliest years, we...

Proper Form: It’s Like Moving a Refrigerator

As a child, I recall vividly our family’s move from an apartment in Rego Park to a housing development on Long Island. This was in the...

On The Yellow Brick Road

I saw The Wizard of Oz starring Judy Garland this past week and was again impressed with the majesty of the film. The characters...

My Heroes Have Always Been Seniors

Willie Nelson, that icon of the country-western ballad, sings a song that resonates with affection, pride and wonder. “My Heroes Have...

The Easiest Diet Plan: Portion Control

There is an instinct that animals exhibit which allows them to survive. In fact, they remain healthy, alert and agile because they adhere...

Do You Emulate Sisyphus or Atlas?

To arduously push a heavy rock up a hill, only to have it roll back down, and then have to start again is an ironic parody to an exercise...

I Saw A Man

Stephen Crane, who authored “The Red Badge of Courage”, also wrote this succinct poem in 1905: I saw a man pursuing the horizon; Round...

The Financial Senior Care Tidal Wave

There is a tidal wave that is just starting to smash upon the shores of the United States-- it is the Baby Boomers, those born during...

An Inch of Time

Mankind can trace its history back 10,000 years and recognize its hominid beginnings to over 2 million years ago. As individuals,...

Did You Forget Where You Put Your Keys?

You’re late for an appointment. Actually, you had given yourself plenty of time, had laid out your clothes the previous evening, awoken,...

Muscles, Memory, and You

Until the middle of the 20 Century, it was believed by those who studied the human brain, that by the age of three years old, the brain...

Listen To Your Heart Beat

Did you ever listen to your heart beat, heed the ticking of a clock, or watch a leaf disengage from a branch and slowly spiral to the...

Life is Difficult

Published 1978 in his book The Road Less Traveled, psychiatrist F. Scott Peck immortalized the phrase “Life is difficult”. In short, he...

Maintain an Iron Grip

Although my grandfather died in 1975, I remember it as if yesterday. Sy was my mother’s father. Proud of his physique, he was a devotee...

Do Not Go Gentle

In 1951, Welsh poet Dylan Thomas wrote a poem for his dying father. In but a few lines and stanzas, he captures the angst, confusion and...

Is Charlie Brown Motivational?

The universe is so large. Its very vastness both stuns and excites the imagination. From science fiction writers to those at NASA who...

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